Guest Posting on Blogs: Why Consider Guest Blogging

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Guest Posting

Guest posting is the act of writing a blog post for another website or blog. Learn why you should consider guest blogging, and where to guest post.

If you are looking to grow your blog authority and blog traffic, you should definitely consider guest posting.

Why Consider Guest Posting

Guest posting is a great way to establish yourself as an authority on a particular topic, or within a particular niche. When you guest post, you share your thoughts, ideas, and expertise with a new group of readers. Hopefully these readers like your guest post, and will consider following your website or blog.

Guest posting is also a great way to earn backlinks. Most blogs and websites will allow you to link to your own blog in your guest post, or in a byline, at the end of the post.

Backlinks are important to search engines. They help search engines to determine how popular your site is, and how to rank your site in search engine results.

Bylines are a great place to let readers know a little bit more about you, your website, and where they can find you.

How to Guest Post

Guest posting takes time. Therefore, it’s important to choose the blogs you guest post for carefully. If your blog is new, consider guest posting for blogs that are a little bit more established. If your blog is established, reach out to bloggers that you look up to or admire. These blogs will likely have a higher authority rating than you. This means they likely have more traffic, and their backlinks will be worth more.

It’s also important to guest blog within your niche. If you are a food blogger, it probably doesn’t make sense to write a guest post for a fashion blog. However, a gardening blog might be a great place to consider, as people who garden are likely into food and cooking.

For more information on niche blogging see Building a Blog vs a Niche Site, Which is Right for You.

One way to land a guest post is to reach out to a fellow blogger. It helps to follow that bloggers various social media accounts, and familiarize yourself with their website, before contacting them.

Send the blog’s owner a friendly email explaining how much you love their blog, that you are following them on social media, where you blog and what you blog about, and how much you would love to write a guest post for them. Then offer a couple of blog post suggestions, and information on how to contact you.

Another way to land a guest post is to do an internet search for your niche followed by “guest post”, “guest blog”, or “guest post guidelines”. (Something along those lines.) This should bring up a variety of sites that are currently accepting guest posts. Make sure you follow their guidelines. You’d be surprised how many people don’t. Following their guidelines will get you that much closer to landing a guest post.

Where to Guest Post

I’ve done a little bit of research for you, and have found some sites with extensive lists of places to consider guest posting. Some of these lists break down sites by niche, and some even list the sites domain authority, or DA. A higher DA number indicates a more established site.

List of 50+ Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

List of 200+ Websites & Blogs That Accept Guest Posts In 2018

High Authority Posting Sites List In 2018

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