The Secret to Improve Website Traffic Today

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Improve Website Traffic

If you own a business website or blog; learning to improve website traffic is the key to getting more readers, clients, and customers.

There are numerous ways to improve website traffic, and some strategies work better than others.

However, if you have been trying to increase your reach, without success, I’ll let you in on a little secret: Facebook Groups.

What is a Facebook Group?

A Facebook group is a place for people to gather and communicate. Facebook groups allow people to come together around a common cause or issue. They are built for people to share their common interests and express their opinions.

Facebook Groups vs Facebook Pages

Facebook pages enable public figures, businesses, organizations and other entities to create a public presence on Facebook. Unlike a personal Facebook profile, Facebook pages (also known as fan pages) are visible to everyone.

Facebook Pages are more about the person or business. Facebook Groups are more about a community.

Why Build a Facebook Group?

When you build a Facebook Group, you create a community. Over time, hopefully a large community.

A Facebook Group can also serve as a forum for people to ask questions and get answers surrounding a topic or niche.

While a Facebook Page is a great way to advertise yourself, blog, or business; they are usually one sided. A Facebook Group is where you can interact and converse with your readers, clients, and customers.

How a Facebook Group Can Improve Website Traffic

How to Increase Website Traffic for Free with Facebook

There are numerous ways a Facebook Group can improve website traffic. However, the first thing you must consider is that to be successful with a Facebook Group, you’ll need to be an active member.

When you create a Facebook Group, you are the moderator by default. This means you create the rules and run the group. While this might seem time consuming; it’s worth it if you can learn to manage your time.

The most successful Facebook Groups are a community of people formed around a topic, idea, or cause. If you are a writer, consider starting a “Tips for Writers” Facebook Group. If you are a food blogger, create a “Food Blogger Sharing” Facebook Group.

The key is to create a group that people want to join. What makes people want to join? There needs to be something in it for them. What are you offering group members? Are they getting valuable information? Are they able to share their own blog posts? You want to keep members of your group (community) engaged.

So how does a Facebook Group improve website traffic? Once you have your group up and running, be involved as much as possible. Ask questions to get conversations going. Answer questions and you’ll quickly become an expert. Link to helpful posts from your blog. Invite others to share relevant posts from their blogs.

Remember, building a Facebook Group is “Creating a Community”. Therefore, create a community around your website, blog, or niche and you’ll reach an entire group of new and potential readers, clients, and customers.

How to Create a Facebook Group

In order to create a Facebook Group, you need to have a Facebook account. If you don’t have an account, click here to create one. If you do have an account, follow the instructions below.

On your Facebook home page, find the Create section at the bottom of the menu on the left side. Here you will see options for ad, page, group, event, fundraiser. Click on group.

A new tab will open up where you will type in your group name, and indicate whether your group is a private or public group. Public groups are open to anyone. Individuals must ask for permission to join a private group. It’s your choice. However, keep in mind that public means literally anyone. You won’t have control over who joins.

A note about private groups: If you opt for a private group, people will need to ask to join. This gives you the option of setting up a series of questions for the person to answer. For example, “What is your website?” “Will you follow the group rules?” etc. You might want to also ask “Would you like to join my e-mail list?” This is a great way to grow your e-mail list, as most people will say yes.

As far as your group name goes, this name will be searchable in the Facebook search tab. If you want more eyes on your group, consider what people might search for in relation to your business or niche. You can also name your group after your blog or website. For ideas, look at what other Facebook Groups are called.

You will also be instructed to add some people to your group. You need a member to create the group, so add a friend who won’t mind.

Finally, click the button “Create Group”.

Once your group is created, you’ll want to choose an icon to represent your group. Then fill out the about section, and start adding content to your group.

How to Get Members to Join Your Facebook Group

There’s that saying, “If you build it, they will come.” If you already have a large following, your group might grow quickly. Simply share your new groups link via social media, your e-mail list, and on your website.

However, there’s that other saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. If you are just starting out, it might take a little while to grow your group. Have patience. Write a blog post about your new group. Advertise it regularly on social media. Share it with your friends on your personal Facebook page, and ask them kindly to share it with their friends.

If you keep at it, your group will start to grow, and over time will help you improve your website traffic.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you did, please consider sharing it by using the social sharing buttons below.

And don’t forget to join our Happy Creating Facebook Group. It’s a fun place to ask questions, get support, and share your own content.