Homemade Dog Treats

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Dog Treats

Food Allergies are on the rise in humans and in pets. Many dogs are allergic to gluten – a protein found in many grains.

If your dog suffers from itchy skin, he may have some form of allergy.

There are many grain free and allergy friendly dog foods and treats on the market. However, you can also make your own treats quickly and easily.

1/2 pound freshly chopped liver
1 lb rice flour
2 eggs

In a food processor mix the liver, rice flour and eggs to form a soft, smooth pate.

(Add water or additional rice flour if necessary.)

Spread the mixture evenly on a foil lined or oiled baking tray.

Cook at 400 degrees F for 10-15 minutes or until cake looks slightly moist and not fully cooked.

When cool, use cookie cutters to make shapes or cut into your own shapes and freeze until needed.