Green Recipes Book Review: Homemade

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I love anything green, especially green recipes for household products. One of my favorite things to do is to make something by hand. Whether it’s cooking, a craft project, or working in the garden – I get a lot out of making something from nothing.

This is one of the reasons I love the book Homemade: How-to Make Hundreds of Everyday Products Fast, Fresh, and More Naturally.

This book is filled with green recipes from green cleaning products to health and beauty recipes that will save you money and help the environment at the same time.

Our favorite tips:
Apple Cider Vinegar makes a great hair rinse for product build up and helps to decrease dandruff.

Ground oatmeal mixed with water makes a great facial or body scrub for pennies compared to the store bought version.

White vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water make a great glass and window cleaner that is far less toxic to your health and budget.

To learn more or to purchase this book from click on Homemade.
