Spring Equals New Beginnings

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Flower Field

In 2009 I started a tiny blog called Best Allergy Sites. As a food allergy mom, it was a place to share recipes, product reviews, and stories on raising a food allergic child. My son was six at the time.

Six years later, Best Allergy Sites has grown into a well-known website that offers food allergy information, news, and support. In that time I have also grown, and so has my food allergic son. He is twelve and in Middle School!

It is with excitement (and bittersweet feelings) that I announce that I have turned over the Best Allergy Sites reigns to another food allergy mama. I have taken the site as far as I can take it and am looking forward to working on other projects that are near and dear to me. I am so thankful that I’ve been able to find someone to take the site into its next phase and am sure she’ll be announcing her presence there soon.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to the extra time to work on my writing, art, and design work. I’ll still share our food allergy stories and experiences here, in addition to other silly and sometimes serious posts about being a soccer mom, raising two boys, and being married to an Electrical Engineer. (If you are also married to an EE, then you know what I mean.)

I also plan to write about the process of building a successful website from the ground up, how design plays a role in that, and how to write better posts.

It’s finally Spring here and time for a new beginning. I’m looking forward to starting this next chapter in my life and hope you join me for the ride.



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