Average Grocery Bill for Family of 4 and How to Save

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Average Grocery Bill

According to USA Today, the average grocery bill for a family of 4 is between $146 and $289 a week.

Is your average grocery bill bigger than that? Do you have a large family to feed? If you are like many families, you may find yourself short on time and cash. Following are some DIY tips and strategies for saving on your average grocery bill, without spending a lot of time.

Streamline Your Shopping Experience

Do you shop at different stores for different items to save money? If you answered yes, then you need to stop and streamline your process. Shopping at multiple stores weekly takes time and gas. If you are spending your time and gas money driving all over town, you may be eating up those savings.

  • Try to stick to 1 or 2 stores a week and switch up those stores each, or every other, week based on sales and what you need.
  • Consider shopping online. Amazon Subscribe and Save can save you up to 15% on top of already reduced items like soaps, shampoos, and paper products.

Shop Sales Items Only

Most grocery stores have a flier that comes out each week. Fliers are usually in the local newspaper, and are sometimes delivered by mail. You can also find them online.

  • Create your grocery list and menu around sale items only, and you’ll save a ton of money.
  • Do this each week and you can start to create a stockpile. (See below.)

Create a Stockpile

Frozen, boxed, and canned goods can last upwards of a year or more. Shop sales items only, and then create a stockpile. Short on space? It doesn’t have to be a huge stockpile. The savings will add up regardless.

  • Buy family size packs of meat, when on sale, and freeze in individual bags.
  • Take advantage of deals like buy one get one on pasta, and other items that you regularly use.
  • Find unique places to store your stockpile like under the bed or in an extra closet.

Clip Coupons

If you have a little extra time, coupon clipping can yield great savings when combined with shopping sales items, and creating a stockpile.

  • Coupons often come out when there is a sale, or a week or two before a sale.
  • Keep a special envelope for your coupons, in your car, so you always have them handy.

Get a Membership or Loyalty Card

Many stores offer free membership or loyalty cards. These cards get you special discounts and in the case of drugstores like CVS – cash back.

  • Combine deals, coupons, and cash back on items like toothpaste or deodorant and you can often get them for free.

Shop Big Box Stores

Big box stores, like Costco and BJ’s, often have great savings. However, you have to shop carefully. You might do better at your regular store shopping sales and using coupons.

  • Know the regular price of items beforehand to determine if those 10 boxes of bulk pasta really are a good deal.

Shop Nearly Expired Food

Grocery stores will steeply discount old food to make way for new food. This doesn’t mean the food is bad. It just may be nearing its use by date.

  • Great savings can be found on meat using this strategy. Just plan to use within a day or two, or freeze.

Only Buy What You Need

One final tip. Don’t buy something just because there is a great buy one get one deal, or because something is steeply discounted. If it’s not something you need or will use, you are throwing money away.

Implement the above strategies now and you’ll notice your grocery bill decrease. This will leave you more money for other things. Perhaps even a family vacation!

Have your own money saving tips? Share them with us in the comments section below. And find other great tips in the Life Uncensored section of this site.