Top 5 Writing and Blogging Magazines

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These top 5 writing and blogging magazines will help you to improve your writing, as well as help you land more writing jobs.

Top 5 Writing and Blogging Magazines

Writing and blogging magazines are a great way to learn about other writers and bloggers. They are also full of writing and blogging tips that will help you to become a better writer. From how to write a query letter to where to find freelance writing jobs; writing and blogging magazines are an important tool for writers and bloggers.

Following are 5 writing and blogging magazines that I believe are the best of the best. There is a lot of diversity in this list, so you should be able to find the perfect writing and blogging magazine for you.

Artful Blogging Magazine

Artful Blogging Magazine is one of the few blogging magazines available. This magazine is filled with blogging etiquette tips, how to take your own blog photo tips, and so much more. From craft bloggers, to food bloggers, to travel bloggers; you’ll find inspiration in their stories and photographs. Artful Blogging is approximately 144 pages and is published seasonally. Click on Artful Blogging Magazine to learn more.

Writer’s Digest

“For more than 90 years, the experts at Writer’s Digest have been publishing books, magazines, competitions, conferences and distance education materials for writers who want to polish their skills and hone their craft.” Writer’s Digest is typically published 6 times a year and covers any writing topic you can think of. There are often tips from authors and writing agents as well. Click on Writer’s Digest to learn more.

Poets and Writers Magazine

“Founded in 1970, Poets & Writers is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization serving creative writers.” Poets and Writers Magazine is published 6 times a year and addresses issues like how to find an agent, to how to promote your book. They also publish essays, author profiles, and more. Click on Poets and Writers Magazine to learn more.

The Writer

“Founded in 1887, The Writer is one of the nation’s oldest magazines focusing on the craft of writing.” Published 12 times a year, The Writer includes featured articles, writing prompts, and writing tips. They also share upcoming writing contests. Click on The Writer to learn more.

Where Women Create Magazine

“Whether it is art, handmade, music, written works, or choreographed dances, extraordinary women know that the process of creating is as important as what ultimately gets created.” Where Women Create is not a writing or blogging magazine. However it features creatives (including writers and bloggers) and their beautiful work spaces. This inspirational magazine is published quarterly and is filled with stunning photography and stories. Click on Where Women Create Magazine to learn more.

You might also be interested in Where Women Create Business Magazine, which is an invaluable guide for women business owners.

This wraps up my Top 5 Writing and Blogging Magazines list. Do you have a favorite writing or blogging magazine? Send me an e-mail and/or share your suggestions in the comments section below. And don’t forget to check out my ultimate freelance writer’s guide Get Paid to Write About Anything.


  1. Kelly, Leigh, Helen, Patricia, and Sheila – you ladies rock! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I’m so glad you found this post helpful and sincerely hope you enjoy the magazines!

  2. I’ll have to check these out! I’ve never heard of a magazine for bloggers. That’s pretty cool!

  3. I never thought about magazines for writers and didn’t know they had them for bloggers. Definitely going to look into these! Thanks!

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