Writer’s Groups – How to Choose the Right One

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Writer’s groups are a great way to connect with other writers and get feedback on your writing. Learn how to choose the right one for you.

Writer's Groups

If you are a writer, you’ve probably thought about joining a writer’s group. A writer’s group can be a great place to receive feedback, connect with other writers, and hone your writing skills. However, choosing the right one can take time and a lot of patience.

Some things you might want to consider when looking into writer’s groups:

Your Genre

While the writers in your group do not have to write the same types of novels you write, or are interested in, it helps if they have some knowledge or experience with your genre. Different genres can sometimes follow different formats. You might not get the best advice from a romance novelist, if you are writing a crime thriller.

Writing Experience

If you are just starting out, odds are, a well established group of writers won’t invite you into their writing group. You need to find a balance of writers that are at, or slightly above your writing level. If too many in your group are below your writing level, you won’t grow. However, if you are the weakest link; others in the group may feel impatient having to teach you all that they know. Try to find a group that has members that match where you are in your writing career.

Make a Connection

A writer’s group will never work if you don’t have a connection with your fellow members. They could be the greatest writers. However, if you don’t get along as a group, or you don’t enjoy spending time with the group members, you likely won’t get much out of it.

Now that doesn’t mean that you want a group where every member is too afraid to state his or her true opinion. You want a group of people who are honest and respectful. Who will give you valuable feedback, but not from a pedestal.

Writer’s groups can be a huge help to writers, and can be a great way to meet other writers and learn new things. If you are thinking about joining one, give it a try. If you aren’t in one, don’t feel as though you are missing out. The best way to grow as a writer is to just continue to write.

Online Writer’s Groups

If you aren’t ready to join an in person writer’s group, there are a lot of online writer’s groups you can join. Facebook is a great place for writers to connect and support each other.

Following are some Facebook writer’s groups:

Writerly with Heather Dixon

Writers United – Author’s Club

Writers Unite

Writing Fiction

Writers’ Group

Have a Writer’s Group you love? Share it in the comments section. And get more writing tips in my ultimate freelance writing guide Get Paid to Write.