How to Increase Website Traffic for Free

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Learn how to increase website traffic for free. Grow your blog and increase website traffic with my easy blogging traffic tips.

How to Increase Website Traffic for Free

Are you looking to increase website traffic? If you are trying to grow a blog or business, your website traffic stats might be keeping you up at night. Don’t worry. I have a simple strategy for how you can increase your website traffic for free.

This post is part of my blog series “5 Secrets to Dramatic Blog Growth.”

Today I share secret number four: How to Increase Website Traffic for Free

There are numerous ways to increase your website traffic:

  • Write strong keyword rich posts, to get traffic from search engines.
  • Share your posts through your e-mail list.
  • Guest post to receive a byline link back to your blog.
  • Comment on other blogs, to get a link back to your blog.
  • Share your posts through social media.
  • Advertise.

For this post we are going to focus on social media. More specifically, Facebook.

Why Facebook

More than one billion people are active on Facebook. One billion. That is a ton of people, and a huge opportunity for you.

So how do you reach those people for free? Through Facebook Groups.

I cover building your own Facebook page and group, in great detail, in my post:
The Secret to Improve Website Traffic Today.

For this post, we are going to focus on Facebook Groups that other people have built.

Facebook Groups

How to Increase Website Traffic for Free with Facebook

Facebook groups allow people to come together around a common cause or issue. They are built for people to share their common interests and express their opinions.

Because one billion people are active on Facebook, there are numerous niche specific groups. Therefore, this is a great opportunity for you to find like minded people.

There are two ways to increase website traffic with Facebook Groups.

One is to join a group that is relevant to your business or blog niche. For example, a travel tips group if you are a travel blogger.

By joining a niche specific group, you can share tips and advice with other members of the group. Over time, people will see you as an expert and seek out your advice, or website.

Another way to increase website traffic is to join a business or blogging Facebook Group. These groups are for bloggers to help each other.

Many of these groups have social sharing days, commenting days, and other ways for you to share your website and what you know. For instance, Pinterest sharing is a common theme. You share your pin to the Group Board thread, and then share other members pins to your Pinterest account. This helps you, as other members are also sharing YOUR pins. More pin shares means more blog traffic.

Facebook Groups List

As I mentioned above, there are numerous Facebook Groups to help you grow your blog, and increase website traffic. Following is a list of my favorite groups.

Bloggers Unite on Pinterest

Blogging with Heart

Growing Social Media for Bloggers

Blogging and Biz Babes

Blogging for New Bloggers

How to Increase Website Traffic Conclusion

If you are looking to increase website traffic for free, joining numerous Facebook Groups will get you there. Make sure that you introduce yourself, participate in the sharing threads, and connect with others.

More importantly, make sure you follow the group rules. Facebook groups can truly help you to grow your blog and business. However, to do so, you have to remain a member. 🙂

Up next, secret number 5 in the blog series “5 Secrets to Dramatic Blog Growth”:
Creating a Content Calendar Template for Your Blog

I hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you did, please consider sharing it with your friends via your social media channels.


  1. Hi Ruth,
    Thanks for introducing me to these Facebook groups! I just put in requests to join a few.

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