How to Make Blog Titles as Fierce as RuPaul

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Click worthy blog titles & headlines are a must. These blog title & headline tips, + list of catchy titles, will help you to up your blogging game today.

How to make blog titles catchy. Blog titles inspiration and blog titles ideas. Create blog titles that make your readers want to click. #bloggingtips #blogtitles #writingtips #blogging #headlines #blogheadlines

Clickable blog titles, and headlines, are the Achilles heel of many bloggers. What seems like a perfectly good blog title to you, could probably be better.

Paula, from the blog I’m Busy Being Awesome, recently asked, “Do you have any tips to up my ‘headline game?'”

What makes a good blog title? How do I SEO my headlines? How can my blog title drive traffic to my blog?

These are all great questions. Hopefully, the following tips will help you to up your own “headline game”.

The Best Blog Posts Solve a Problem

Blog titles, headlines, and posts should solve a problem. Readers often ask themselves, “what’s in it for me?”. The number one reason someone is going to read your blog post, is because it solves a problem for them.

Yes, sometimes we get caught up in cute kitten stories and videos. However, most of the time we are looking for a solution to a problem.

Think about all of the internet searches you do. Now think about what type of internet searches your ideal reader is doing.

Create blog posts, and blog titles, that solve a problem for your reader; and you are one step closer to getting visitors to your blog.

Use Power Words and Action Words in Your Titles

Blog Titles Power and Action Words

Power words and action words, or phrases, draw a reader in.

Power words like secrets, hacks, mistakes, and fears create a sense of urgency and curiosity. Action words and phrases like “try this” and “how to” make readers want to learn more.

The title of this post uses “How to” and “Fierce” to draw the reader in. RuPaul, if you know who that is, certainly helps as well. However, RuPaul can be replaced with any fierce person or item. Fierce is what draws your attention.

Think about the type of emotion you want to evoke in your reader. Most people click based on their emotional response.

Use Odd Numbers and Make Lists

Research suggests that we remember items on a list if there is an odd number of them. Therefore create list posts with odd numbers.

For example, “5 Secrets to Creating Catchy Headlines”.

This blog post title solves a problem: creating catchy headlines, uses a power word: secrets, and an odd number: 5.

However, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that every post you write should be a list post. Make sure you have a variety of posts on your blog.

Try Different Blog Post Styles

As mentioned above, you should have several different types of blog posts on your blog. (Unless, of course, you run a review blog or a listicle blog.) Different types of posts help to keep readers engaged.

Types of Blog Posts:

  • Tutorial and How To Posts
  • List Posts
  • Round-up Posts
  • Review Posts
  • Revealing Posts
  • This vs That Posts
  • Pillar Posts
Tutorial and How To Posts

Tutorial and how to posts are posts that solve a problem for your reader. How to Plant Tomatoes that Thrive is an example of a how to post.

List Posts

List posts are simply a post in list form. Sometimes also a problem solving post, though they don’t have to be. Ten Books that Changed My Life is an example of a non problem solving list post.

Round-Up Posts

Round-up posts are posts that feature multiple products, services, blogs, etc.  For example, 5 Bloggers That Make $10,000 a Month is a round-up post.

Review Posts

Review posts are posts that review a product or service. These make for great affiliate marketing posts. My post The Best Blogging Courses for Beginners to Advanced Bloggers is an example of a review post.

Revealing Posts

Revealing posts are posts that share a story, or inside look at your life, blog, and business. My blogging journey is an example of my own reveal post. In it I cover what I’ve learned from blogging, and how I got to where I am today.

Reveal posts are a great way to make an authentic connection with your readers.

This vs That Posts

This vs That posts are simply comparison posts. This lipstick vs that lipstick. Blogger vs WordPress, if you are thinking about things from a blogging standpoint.

Pillar Posts

Pillar posts, also called foundation posts and cornerstone content, are some of the most important posts on your blog. These posts are the foundation, or backbone, of your blog. They should be long, thorough, and cover a main topic in detail.

What is your blog about? What is your niche?

Say it’s organic gardening. You might have several pillar posts that cover organic gardening, as well as sub topics within the organic gardening niche. From a hierarchy standpoint, all of the rest of your posts would fall below those main pillar posts.

Other Posts

There are certainly other types of posts. However, these are the main types of posts you find on blogs. Choose your post type before creating your title. This will make your writing job much easier.

Find Blog Titles That Move You

search for list of catchy titles

Another way to create a great blog title is to look at other blog titles. There is no harm in searching Pinterest, other blogs, and sites like BuzzFeed and UpWorthy for blog title inspiration.

While you should never copy content outright, you can certainly use the ideas you find to create your own unique headlines. What blog titles jump out at you? Ask yourself why. Are they list posts? Do they have power words in them?

I could have called this post “5 Secrets to Creating Catchy Headlines”, as mentioned above, or “How to Create Powerful Blog Titles”. Either of these would have been fine. However, “How to Make Blog Titles as Fierce as RuPaul” stood out to me. Why? Because it’s a bit fun and a bit bold. It speaks to my personality.

Find what speaks to you, your blog, and your personality. I share some blog titles ideas at the bottom of this post.

Use a Blog Titles Generator

As they say, “there’s an app for that”. And there usually is. In this case, there are blog title and headline generators. Simply do an internet keyword search to find one.

The one I tried, and used, for this post is the Portent Content Idea Generator. It was super easy and fun to use. There were so many funny and unique options, I honestly had a hard time choosing and creating a blog title.

For more information, see my post on blog title generators. I cover several other options you may be interested in.

SEO Your Blog Titles

A great blog title, or headline, will get readers to click on it. However, how do you get your content in search engine results?  Your blog title won’t mean a thing if people can’t find your post. Search engine optimization is key to getting your blog posts found.

SEO Involves:

  • Finding a keyword you can rank for.
  • Using that keyword in your blog title and throughout your blog post.
  • Also using relevant long tail keywords.
  • Writing a long, thorough, and detailed post.
  • Linking within and outside of your blog.

There is much more to SEO than that. However, those are the main steps to get you started. You can check out my post on search engine optimization for more SEO information.

Blog Title Ideas

Following are some blog titles examples. These were pulled from the Build Your Own Blog blog post ideas generator.

____ really helps me because ____.

Stop ____, start ____!

Here’s why ____ is so awesome.

I love this ____ because____.

# ____ rules you should break.

Here’s what the future of ____ will look like.

Do this one thing to find success with ____.

Click on the Build You Own Blog link above to find and create additional great headlines for your blog.


I hope you found this post helpful in teaching you how to create unique and click worthy blog titles. Once you get hang of it, you’ll find that you are brimming with numerous ideas.

Looking for more great blogging tips? Check out my blogging page for some of my most popular blogging posts. You might also want to check out my blog traffic page for additional tips on how to increase your blog traffic.


  1. So far, the greatest post title I’ve ever come across to on Pinterest! Haha, very creative Ruth!

  2. These are all great tips, Ruth! Thanks for sharing! A title can determine if someone clicks on that post (along with a killer Pinterest image), so ensuring you’ve done your research is key!

  3. Great tips! I had never heard the tip that odd numbers are more likely to stay in people’s heads, but I will definitely utilize that from now on!

  4. I use Coschedule’s headline analyzer. It lets me see different variations of blog titles to see what really packs a punch!

  5. These are great tips. I struggle with blog titles. Finding things that stand out is hard!

  6. Thanks for the tips. I struggle with getting that catchy tagline to grab readers attention. I am going to look at the website you recommended, Portent Content Idea Generator.

  7. I feel like there are always ways to up your headline game! Sometimes, I feel like mine are just plain boring so thank you for these tips 🙂

    1. Thanks Lindsay! I think the blog titles generators are great for when you have writer’s block. Once you get the hang of it, writing catchy blog titles becomes a breeze.

  8. Great post! I found myself struggling with this last night. I’m definitely going to check out the idea generator.

  9. This article was JUST what I needed! After seven months of blogging consistently, I’m still looking for ways to make my titles more enticing for my readers. I tried out the title generator site and it was pretty interesting to use! Thanks so much for this!

    1. Yay Erika! I’m so glad you enjoyed the blog titles generator. It’s great to use when you need a little extra help. Thanks for coming by and commenting!

  10. Great tips. I’ve really been trying to focus on SEO more…at least for some of my posts (others are a lot harder to do) and I know that having catchy titles are a good way to gather attention!


  11. I am glad to have stumbled upon ykri article. Learned something new today. I’m new to blogging and I didn’t know they have an app dedicated for titles. I’m looking into it! Thanks!

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